Nash Family

Travel with us on our journey to China to unite with our second daughter, Caitlyn Zhen Nash

Monday, November 27, 2006

What a difference a day makes!

Well, you may have noticed that i havent been blogging very much. One reason is the lap top is the Davis' room and we only have time to blog after everyone is in bed... not really welcome at that time to go knocking at your neighbours door, but also because I have been so worried about Caitlyn. She had become increasingly upset and would cry for periods of hours at a time. Her cry was painful and it was so aweful. I couldn't stand it. i was questioning my ability to parent two children as Emma became increasingly neglected..... THEN yesterday we said, okay something needs to change here, we had reached our limit. We decided to put Caitlyn on antibiotics and changed her formula to soy. What a difference. We have gone from thinking that something may seriously be wrong with her and thinking we needed emergency medical care, to thinking she is the most wonderful child in the world. She is content, very communicative and a pleasure to be around.... never thought i'd saying that today! We went to the medical clinic today and was told she was mildly malnutritioned, gross motor a little delayed and surprise, she is a little under weight. she is a petite little thing. It makes me weep, i have a whole suitcase of beautiful clothes for her and a fraction fits. she is fitting a 6 month size. I went to the silk market last night and bought her a pair of pants and a top. we will limp home wearing a few things. She is such a snuggly little thing. Deb, if you are out there, put aside some cozy 6 month clothes for me please. It is apparent that we will need an excersaucer. Caitlyn has come so far in such a short time. It was pretty clear that she had never crawled. she pulled herself with with her arms, like a seal. but now, she is crawling with her legs and is getting pretty speedy. She is even trying to stand up! a week ago, she would pull herself up, but fall over as she couldn't support herself, now she can pull herself up and do a little jig. Tonight when I gave her bottle, she held her head up. a week ago, she could not support her head! She smiles, laughs, imitates you... amazing progression, and we are only at week one. It was hard to hear that she is only 14.7 pounds. not really a surprize, but hard to see it written down.

We have been to the Great Wall. Yesterday Emma's dreams came true, she wanted to climb all the way to the top, like mulan. She was a very good climber, and we had to pry her off from going higher! Now that Caitlyn is a happier baby, all of us are doing much better, thank goodness. We went to a wonderful tea house this morning and bought some amazing lycee, ulong and rose tea. WOW! who knew how many different kinds of tea there was. Tomorrow we are going to Tian na men Square and the Temple of Heaven. We are going to take Emma to the Kung Fu show wednesday night before coming home on thursday. We are ready to come home. Emma has had a great trip. We are thankful that Nai Nai is with us. she has been a real saviour. Emma has had some big girl time while we have been busy taking the babies to the clinic etc. Wednesday I am taking her to the Childrens market, over the top incredible, where she is allowed to pick anything she wants.

Well, if I dont get a chance to blog again, please dont forget our open house on Sunday 10- 3. it will be great to see everyone. till then, zai jian


At 7:31 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh just so thankful to get a message from you. I just knew something was up. We just can't wait to get Caitlyn, snuggled in cozy and home.

Emma has done wonderful. She is a great girl. Thank you Nai Nai for all that you have done. You have been a wonder.
All our love, It will be wonderful to get you all home. Love Mom & Dad

At 9:12 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so glad you wrote, we were a little worried about you.....glad to know Caitlyn is doing better. Remember how worried you were about Emma when she came home to you and look at her We will see you when you get home have a safe trip.
Love Sheehan's
PS we are snowed in at my parents and it is freezing enjoy your last days of mild weather.

At 9:31 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

You will be home to a winter wonderland. really stunning but not practical for all us "wet" coasters. Glad to hear the new formula has calmed Caitlyn. We will grab the 6mths clothing Karen or we will just be lovin on her so much she will put weight on just like Emma did. Please give Emma a big hug from me too! See you soon,

At 3:01 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad everything is settling down. To be able to follow your progress is wonderful. I'm sure with your love Caitlyn will be running after Emma very soon. Can't wait to hear all about China Joanne. Hugs & Blessings Betty Ann

At 5:27 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that all is well and that you will be coming home soon. Your new little one will be just fine-just remember what it was like when you brought Emma home. You will be two busy people now that you have two. What a blessing. Take care and talk to you soon.
Love Rosie and Mel

At 1:55 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations guys. She looks just beautiful. I'm glad to hear things are going better. I can relate about your question as to parenting two children. It can be a little overwhelming even when your in your own environment so hang in there you'll be home soon and things will start to fall into place.

Vienna and I wish you a safe trip home and Vienna sends her hello's to Emma. She loved to see the picture of Emma and her new baby sister.

All the best guys.

At 2:57 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

She is soo cute and she will be fine with love from parents like you guys! Have a safe trip home and hopefully see the new addition to the Nash Family soon!!

Love Uncle Ryley and Auntie Sarah

At 3:59 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Karen....I wondered why there was not more blogging. I am sorry that you all have had to go through that but I am very happy to hear that things are getting better. It was breaking my heart reading that. I cannot imagine what it must have been like for you to be so worried and for Caitlyn not knowing how to tell you. Thank goodness the mystery is solved!!!!!! Travel home safely.

At 8:10 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi guys,
Thanks for the update! What a big girl Emma is!
We are SO looking forward to seeing you and meeting Caitlyn. She is a lucky girl to have found you.

Lots of love,
Molly and Jonathan

At 10:16 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are so happy to read about Caitlyn's incredible development Karen & Ryan. Thank God you are her parents! LOVE to you all from the Challinor/Shivji family...

At 3:32 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear from you guys. Don't worry, the medical system in Canada is better. Have a safe flight home. Bill

At 11:45 a.m., Blogger Suzy said...

Can't wait to meet Caitlyn on Sunday


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